Scroll: Your Astral will stay in it's scroll for 3-7 days, collecting energy enough to manifest
Baby: Your baby will remain as such for 7-14 Days, though you may request holding off growing if you wish to RP them as babies for longer. Just PM The Caravan with your request.

The Tiri
Pronunciation: (Tih-ree)

The sun creatures, very Gazelle like, seem to form from the clouds themselves. Personality wise, the Tiri tend to be bright and fun loving - with a very quick temper. It doesn't take them very long to go from bright and 'sunny' to scorching mad - So I'd certainly watch what you say to them! The Tiri are also very protective of their companions, often acting first and asking questions later. Even the calfs seem to hold the desire to protect, though the younger of the species tends to be less likely to run head first into anything. They are not very strong, when they emerge from the scroll, and are smart enough to run away from danger. Adults and calves sport no wings, and cannot fly, but they seem to be able to hover a few inches off of the ground should they truly wish to. Ability wise, the Tiri have the gift of creating light. The degree of their abilties are decided by their Companion. A Tiri with a relatively strong companion may have better control over the degree of light that's produced, while a Tiri with a lesser skilled companion may be unable to produce a light brighter than a candle flame. Nothing, of course, is set in stone. A Tiri with a strong will hold the key to awakening stronger abilities. Young Tiri calves do not possess the ability to sustain light, though small non-ignitable sparks may fly from their hooves if they are angered. These are the most common species, meant as a way to guide their companion's way through the dark and toward the Light. They are a reminder that through even the blackest of situations, there is a light up ahead.

The Caelestis
Pronunciation: (Kay-Les-Tis) Plural: Caelesti (Kay-Les-Tee)

The Caelesti, beautiful winged horses that seem to rise from the dust of hundreds of stars, are severely more laid back than the Tiri. A Caelestis foal is more bold than a Tiri calf and tends to get in a lot more mischief. They are playful, stubborn, and no matter the Caelesti, seem to have a fondness for being little tricksters. Some, of course, more than others. Adults may mature, but somewhere in their hearts is the love of jokes and mischief as well. Both adults and younglings possess wings, and can fly high into the sky - though, obviously, the smaller winged foals are unable to fly without practice - and even then not very high at all. The Caelesti are meant to bring insight on their companion's lives as the species are wonderful diviners. They are good at reading the stars - both as a map to physically find their way to places, and spiritual guidance. As with all the species, the Caelesti's abilities are determined by their companion and the strength of the Caelestis' will. These creatures will be much harder to obtain than the Suns - Why? Well, Khalindra, our beautiful gypsy's domain is of the stars and she's very hesitant to give them out to just anyone. They are also reserved for those who need guidance, or are destined for great things. They are the companion of diviners, empaths, and prophets.

The Pan'i
Pronunciation: (Pawn-eye)

These elusive creatures, which appear to be a cross between a horse and a dragon - A kirin - are the most rare and the hardest of the scrolls to find. Not much is known about the Pan'i at this time except for that they seem to raise up from the very light of the moon.


These Astrals have no real form, shifting between the three forms of Tiri, Caelestis & Pan'i since the magic that binds them is confused. They don't have set times on which they shift, they shift at will. The ability is granted through a rare gem, given to help stabilize the otherwise unstable magic.